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0416 202 647

Hire Artwork for your workspace

Want to transform your office space or your property & don’t want to pay a premium for buying expensive artwork?

There is a cost effective & convenient way - hire artwork! Corporate Art Rentals is Australia’s premier art rental company for all corporate & business owners.

We specialise in long term art rental and help transform businesses into vibrant & engaging workplaces.

Want to transform your office space or your property & don’t want to pay a premium for buying expensive artwork? There is cost effective & a convenient way - hire artwork! Corporate Art Rentals are Australia’s premier art rental company for all corporates & business owners. We specialise in long term art rentals and help transform businesses into vibrant & engaging workplaces.

Corporate art rentals

Corporate Art Rentals - Transforming Spaces with Art and Passion

Choose from a wide range of Australian artists and their original artworks which are available on long-term lease. We represent original Australian artwork in a dynamic way by taking art direct to our clients and entering into a collaborative process to place artwork that complements the physical environment.
Benefits of renting office art for your workspace from Corporate Art Rentals -

  • Art rental payments are normally tax deductible
  • The artwork can be swapped during agreed upon period of the lease
  • The costs of renting art is significantly cheaper as compared to purchasing it
  • Work with a team who has 20 years of expertise in the industry

Browse through our extensive collection of paintings today! Ring us on 0416 202 647 for a free, no obligation visit to your office.

The Corporate Art Rentals
point of difference

Our artists live & breathe their art. They own the paintings we rent and the rental income our clients provide helps them keep doing what they do best – making magnificent works of art for us all to enjoy.

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Corporate art rentals
latest news
Four large paintings by artist Fiona Halse installed in Melbourne foyer
Artwork by Corporate Art Rentals' artist Fiona Halse is very popular with our corporate clients. We recently hung four of her magnificent paintings in a Melbourne CBD foyer. ...
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Two large archival prints liven up business hub
A Melbourne CBD client has enhanced it's tenant business hub with these two large archival prints. This company elected to buy the prints rather than rent original artworks ...
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Corporate Art Rentals
2 Kent Street
Ascot Vale VIC 3032 Australia 0416 202 647